Hyuntae PARK Hyunjin KIM Hong-Sik KIM Sungho KANG
This letter proposes a fast IP address lookup algorithm based on search space reduction. Prefixes are classified into three types according to the nesting relationship and a large forwarding table is partitioned into multiple small trees. As a result, the search space is reduced. The results of analyses and experiments show that the proposed method offers higher lookup and updating speeds along with reduced memory requirements.
Yongjoon KIM Myung-Hoon YANG Jaeseok PARK Eunsei PARK Sungho KANG
This paper presents a grouped scan slice encoding technique using scan slice repetition to simultaneously reduce test data volume and test application time. Using this method, many scan slices that would be incompatible with the conventional selective scan slice method can be encoded as compatible scan slices. Experiments were performed with ISCAS'89 and ITC'99 benchmark circuits, and results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
In this paper, we propose a new clustered reconfigurable interconnect network (CRIN) BIST that can improve the embedding probabilities of random-pattern-resistant-patterns. A simulated annealing based algorithm that maximizes the embedding probabilities of scan test cubes has been developed to reorder scan cells. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed CRIN BIST technique reduces test time by 35% and the storage requirement by 39% in comparison with previous work.
Youngkyu PARK Jaeseok PARK Taewoo HAN Sungho KANG
This paper proposes a micro-code based Programmable Memory BIST (PMBIST) architecture that can support various kinds of test algorithms. The proposed Non-linear PMBIST (NPMBIST) guarantees high flexibility and high fault coverage using not only March algorithms but also non-linear algorithms such as Walking and Galloping. This NPMBIST has an optimized hardware overhead, since algorithms can be implemented with the minimum bits by the optimized instructions. Finally, various and complex algorithms can be run thanks to its support of multi-loop.
Incheol KIM Kicheol KIM Youbean KIM HyeonUk SON Sungho KANG
A new BIST (Built-in Self-test) method for static ADC testing is proposed. The proposed method detects offset, gain, INL (Integral Non-linearity) and DNL (Differential Non-linearity) errors with a low hardware overhead. Moreover, it can solve a transient zone problem which is derived from the ADC noise in real test environments.